Research Groups

Concentration area

Teacher training for basic education from 13/03/2014

The Professional Master's in Education focuses on the area of ​​“Teacher Training for Basic Education”. This area of ​​concentration brings together research and work on teacher training and professionalization, from studies on the impact of educational policies and proposals on training to the analysis of educational practices in context. A privileged perspective of these studies is that of school inclusion, centered on the cognitive and learning processes of students and on the training and practices of teachers whose research is developed in the Research group entitled Education: professional development, diversity and methodologies.

The performance of the MPE in its research in five study groups:

The study groups created along with the Professional Master's in Education (MPE - UNITAU) are arms of the Education Research Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies. Each one, within your performance, aims to deepen the theoretical-methodological within its specific thematic fields, contributing to the preparation of dissertations produced in the program and related to one or two lines of research. All groups have the participation of current master's students and graduates, of this and other graduate programs, public school teachers in the region, in addition to the professors of the MPE itself. Meetings take place every two weeks (GEPCED on Tuesdays, GEDUA on Wednesdays and GEAEC, GTSH and GEPEMAT take place on Thursdays), always late afternoon or evening these days. Each group has had the participation of important guests – researchers, teachers working in specific areas – who have contributed with their different experiences, enriching the debates, nurturing and updating the program's research references since 2020. We have already held joint meetings uniting all the groups, when lectures were given by important guests: Maria Cecília Magalhães, talking about Critical Collaboration Research and Zoia Prestes, about the method in Vygotsky, by Michel Thiollent, which brought important contributions to the development of Action Research, e, meeting with Hilda Bandeira's research group, UFPI researcher, about Research-Training, as well as some meetings of the study group on art education and creation, they consolidated the debate on artography and cartography in art with the presence of other study groups such as those of professors Marisa Fonterrada and we engendered strengthened ties with the research groups of professor Mirian Celeste Martins participating as an institution in the international research entitled Teacher training in and with arts/cultures.


This study group, part of the Education Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies of the MPE-UNITAU was created in March 2020 to create an environment for the production of knowledge based on the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Socio-historical Psychology. The professors Virgínia Mara Cunha participate in the coordination of the group's activities, Luciana Magalhães, Cristovam Alves and Liliane Bordignon. The development of this group has filled an important space for discussion, bringing texts and research within the theory addressed, emphasizing Lev Vygotsky as a base author and Historical-dialectical Materialism as a method for many of the researches developed in our Master's Degree. The group has a partnership signed in 2021 with the education program: Educational Psychology at PUC São Paulo, what has yielded lectures with PUC professors, as well as the assiduous participation of master's and doctoral students from this institution in our meetings. With an average of 20 participants, PUC students, teachers, master's students and graduates of the MPE, have been fostering discussions and strengthening the theoretical background of current master's students and at the same time enlisting new students!


This Study Group was created in March of 2020 with a very specific purpose that involves what we understand to be the objective of a Professional Master's Degree. On the initiative of Professor Ana Calil, this group intends to count on the participation of master's students and their advisors. Based on Collaborative research, this group assumes the researcher's engaged and collaborative posture in relation to the researched field.. This is the differential and main point of this group. How do we intend to give this “brand” to our master’s degree, to have an educational product that will collaborate with the researched realities, It is very important that all students participate, regardless of theoretical assumptions, methodologies and analysis that they use with their advisors. The intention is that research carried out with this type of collaborative methodology can create favorable environments for processes of transformation of the realities studied., involving all research participants and the school community. So, This group started in 2020, has participation in your organization, dos Profs. from MPE Ana Calil, Luciana Magalhães, Cristovam Alves and Maria A.. Diniz. The group has an important partnership with PUC in São Paulo with the graduate programs Formation of Trainers (FORMEP) and Education: educational psychology (PED). It has an average of 20 participants, between professors and students of the MPE, FORMEP E PED, what, excited about the collaborative perspective, create collaboration processes with the realities studied, inaugurating bridges between the University and Basic Education.



O GE-DUA: TEACHER TRAINING AND DIVERSITY, started in March 2022 and is linked to the Education Group: professional development, diversity and methodologies of MPE-UNITAU and the ACESSI Research Group (School Accessibility and Inclusive Society) from the University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS), aims to understand and deepen knowledge about Universal Design for Learning (TWO) as a curricular approach that seeks to support teachers to think about more flexible curricula, able to provide more accessible conditions for learning, creating more inclusive spaces, when seeking to minimize the barriers present in the inclusion process, as well as discussing the other dimension present in the DUA, on the learning process of students as reflective learners, configuring itself as a proposal to support teachers, teachers, male and female students. Tensiona, therefore, the presence of a prescriptive curriculum, closed, inflexible in the school space. The meetings will provide discussions about the three principles of the UDU, as well as the theoretical basis of these principles, based on neuroscience. We are interested in discussing teacher training, considering the existing gaps in this context of inclusive education. It is coordinated by MPE teachers Suelene Mendonça, Mercia Cunha, Roseli Albino and Luciana Magalhães. By setting yourself up in a Study Group, It is part of the objectives to contribute to the research that has been developed by the MPE and the ACESSI group, as well as socialize the experiences lived by the group itself.


This study group of the Professional Master in Education (MPE) was created in 2021 and has gathered master's students, teachers who teach Mathematics in Basic Education and interested in the subject. It has as objectives:
  • Analyze and develop innovative practices in mathematics teaching;
  • Subsidize MPE research on innovative practices in mathematics teaching;
  • Develop workshops on teaching mathematics;
  • Strengthen the debate and discussion about research in the field of mathematics education;
  • Produce support materials for teaching mathematics;
  • Contribute to the continuing education of mathematics teachers in basic education.
Its organization is the responsibility of teachers Maria Teresa de Moura Ribeiro, Erica Gouvea, Cleusa Vieira da Costa, Katia Richeto, Susana Aparecida da Veiga, and professors Willian José Ferreira and Antonio Vieira da Silva.


The art education and creation group was created in March 2020, coordinated by teachers Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti, Mariana Aranha de Souza and Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro rescues the importance of the aesthetic field in the field of Education. Often relegated to inferior levels in the hierarchy of academic productions, art as a viewpoint for the study of realities in Education has revealed interesting paths, taunting, through the paths of artistic interventions, aesthetic reactions with the potential to point out different dimensions. Works with research based on discussions about interdisciplinarity, artography, cartography in art, teacher training art educators and participates in the international research led by Professor Mirian Celeste Martins, Teacher training in and with arts/cultures. The group has two joints, one where creative propositions are regularly carried out through seminars, Circles of conversation, workshops and discussions on methodologies related to art education and creative processes that are analyzed and transformed into technical and technological products by participating art educators. The other, which elaborates a survey on the state of the art of the teaching practice of art educators in visual arts, music, dance and theater in the state of São Paulo and Brazil. Its purpose is to build books, didactic materials and artistic products using experience reports, as well as articles on the state of the art of educational practice in art education. Participates in the actions of the Paulista Organization of Art Educators and the Brazilian Federation of Art Educators through support and promotion of academic actions and events. The founders of the group's research are former students Edilaine Isabel Ferreira Aquino; Jade Moura de Godoy; Givandelson de Oliveira Aquino; Michael Santos Silva; Fabiana Almeida; Fabio Pinheiro; Raquel Baudouin; Cintia Magalhaes as well as participating undergraduate teachers, from other institutions and active students of the MPE.



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