Selective process 2025 - Subscribe! - MPE – Lines 1 e 2

Selective process 2025

Lines 1 e 2 - Inclusion and Sociocultural Diversity
Teacher Training and Professional Development

Remaining vacancies

Capes Concept: 4

Registration period: 05/12/2024 a 10/02/2025

Workload: 660h

Duration: 24 months

Registration fee: R$244,00

Opening class and beginning of the course: 15/03/2025

vacancies: 30

Class schedule: Saturday from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm

Investment: Registration fee of R$1,600.00 + 23 monthly fees of R$1,600.00

The Professional Master's in Education was approved by MEC / CAPES in the year 2013 as a note 4. The first class started in March 2014. In the four-year evaluation of 2016 the master also got the grade 4 by Capes.

The objective of the course is to study and research teacher training for Education, analyzing the teacher training itself, the public policies that influence this formation, the cognitive and learning processes that underlie it, pedagogical alternatives, methodological and technological support.

The MPE is a master's in the strict sense with two years of duration during which the master's students must take courses in the program's concentration areas and prepare a dissertation to be defended before a panel of doctors in the area.


The Professional Master's in Education has the fundamental objective of training education teachers committed to overcoming educational problems in Brazil and prepared to adapt their educational practices to different socio-cultural realities, favoring the inclusion and learning of all students. Its specific objectives:

  • Promote knowledge about pedagogical theories and practices that provide support for the improvement of pedagogical strategies used in professional practice;
  • Train a teacher capable of relating the theories and practices studied to the diversity of students in order to promote an educational process that guarantees everyone's learning;
  • Offer knowledge about educational alternatives for educational intervention that seek adaptation to socio-cultural diversity, integrating students' experience and knowledge;
  • Foster dialogue and permanent exchange with Graduate Programs and research teams, nationals and internationals, as well as with government and civil society institutions working in the area of ​​teacher education for Education.


The professional MPE egress has theoretical and practical skills in the teaching-learning processes for Education, being qualified to work in this area of ​​knowledge. It will be a professional capable of articulating, in a joint and integrated way, interdisciplinary knowledge from the different areas that make up the program. It can act in different spheres of private organizations, public and non-governmental, with a view to training professionals focused on Education.

Teacher training for basic education from 13/03/2014

The Professional Master's in Education focuses on the area of ​​“Teacher Training for Basic Education”. This area of ​​concentration brings together research and work on teacher training and professionalization, from studies on the impact of educational policies and proposals on training to the analysis of educational practices in context. A privileged perspective of these studies is that of school inclusion, centered on the cognitive and learning processes of students and on the training and practices of teachers whose research is carried out in the research group entitled Education: professional development, diversity and methodologies.

General coordinator: prof. Dr. Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti

Deputy Coordinator: prof. Dr. Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro

Class location
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Visconde do Rio Branco Street, 210, taubate – SP – CEP: 12020-040

Unified Secretariat for Postgraduate Courses
Visconde do Rio Branco Street, 210, Center – Taubaté/SP
Tel: (12) 3625-4226

More information
Tel: (12) 99238-9969

Course research lines

The Professional Master's in Education focuses on the area of ​​“Teacher Training for Education”. This area of ​​concentration brings together research and work on teacher training and professionalization, from studies on the impact of educational policies and proposals on training to the analysis of educational practices in context. A privileged perspective of these studies is that of school inclusion, focused on students' cognitive and learning processes and on teacher training and practices.

Within that area, the research unfolds in two lines:

Inclusion and Sociocultural Diversity

The projects developed in this line include studies on guidelines, programs and / or proposals for inclusive education, focused on teacher training and practices for inclusive education; in the analysis and development of technological and pedagogical alternatives for educational intervention seeking adaptation to socio-cultural diversity; in history, in the development and specific processes of rural education; e, in the cognitive and learning processes of students. Research in this line is based on the theoretical contributions of Sociology and Educational Psychology. Empirical studies are characterized by a combination of techniques combining quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis instruments.

Teacher Training and Professional Development

It is intended to address issues related to the initial and continuing training of teachers, from studies on the profession and the constitution of the identity and professionality of teachers. Public policies and proposals for teacher training will be discussed; teaching methodologies and strategies; the production and use of teaching resources for teaching, including the use of new technologies. The investigation of these aspects will have the school institution, teaching practices and concrete teaching-learning situations in Education as sources of study and reflection.

Pedagogical Practices for Equity

This line of research, affiliated with the Stanford University Teacher Education Program (Stanford Teacher Education Program, STEP, in English acronym), is an initiative of the Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil, localizado na Stanford Graduate School of Education, and developed in partnership with Instituto Canoa along with Higher Education Institutions (IES) Brazilian. This partnership counts, currently, with a network of 20 IES, gifts in 10 Brazilian states and has enabled the training of teachers from these institutions and the articulation of a large collaboration network to plan, organize, implement and evaluate a teaching specialization that considers the concrete demands of classrooms, specifically in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science. This model is based not only on knowledge of the specific content of the area, but, especially in the pedagogical content, understanding student-centered teaching and learning, classroom management, group work in heterogeneous classrooms for equity, assessment of and for learning and coherent curriculum planning.

The PED curriculum is based on research (National and international) about the most recent practices in teaching and learning Mathematics and Science and is based on the construction of equitable classrooms, having as principles: articulation between theory and practice, joint work between universities and schools of basic education and equity with excellence.

SUBJECTS – LINE 1 – Inclusion and Sociocultural Diversity


Education Research Methodology
The discipline discusses fundamental methodological issues in studies in Education and Social Sciences. It seeks to problematize the scientific method through collection techniques, coding and analysis of both qualitative data - based on interviews, focus groups and life stories -, quantitative - based on questionnaires and public databases, using specific analysis software.

Teaching Profession and Professional Development
The course discusses the contributions of authors who have been investigating teaching work, the constitution of professionalism and professional development, the theme of teaching skills and knowledge, having as a backdrop the context of social and cultural changes that has been changing the role of schools and teachers in contemporary society.

School, Curriculum and Diversity
The discipline is based on the critical theory of the curriculum and seeks to understand the curriculum in the complexity of its expression at school with the school-culture relationship as its axis. It aims to deepen theoretical references that focus on the school as an object of study.

Interdisciplinary Seminars
The seminars are developed over two consecutive periods of the course. They are designed to function as a space for discussing ongoing projects. The seminars are organized on two levels: the collective discussions, involving students and teachers, about dissertation projects; and lectures and discussions on the theme of Teacher Education for Basic Education, by invited researchers and professors of the program, usually based on ongoing research.


Inclusive Education and Diversity
The discipline is based on theoretical subsidies of the sociology of education and aims to discuss and analyze social diversity at school and the historical and political trajectory of school inclusion / exclusion processes in their different paths, having the contemporary school and, in particular, the Brazilian school as a central focus of studies.

Inclusive Education Practices
The discipline studies the processes of development and learning, in view of its understanding and its implications for inclusive education, understood in a broad sense, both for socio-cultural inclusion and for the inclusion of students with special needs.

School Knowledge and Diversity
The course aims to study the processes of knowledge construction. Offers alternatives for reflection on the needs for changes in pedagogical practices, seeking new attitudes towards the socio-cultural diversity of learners and building knowledge based on that diversity.

SUBJECTS – LINE 2 – Teacher Training and Professional Development


Education Research Methodology
The discipline discusses fundamental methodological issues in studies in Education and Social Sciences. It seeks to problematize the scientific method through collection techniques, coding and analysis of both qualitative data - based on interviews, focus groups and life stories -, quantitative - based on questionnaires and public databases, using specific analysis software.

Teaching Profession and Professional Development
The course discusses the contributions of authors who have been investigating teaching work, the constitution of professionalism and professional development, the theme of teaching skills and knowledge, having as a backdrop the context of social and cultural changes that has been changing the role of schools and teachers in contemporary society.

School, Curriculum and Diversity
The discipline is based on the critical theory of the curriculum and seeks to understand the curriculum in the complexity of its expression at school with the school-culture relationship as its axis. It aims to deepen theoretical references that focus on the school as an object of study.

Interdisciplinary Seminars
The seminars are developed over two consecutive periods of the course. They are designed to function as a space for discussing ongoing projects. The seminars are organized on two levels: the collective discussions, involving students and teachers, about dissertation projects; and lectures and discussions on the theme of Teacher Education for Basic Education, by invited researchers and professors of the program, usually based on ongoing research.


Teacher Training Policies and Proposals
The course proposes the analysis of public policies and proposals for teacher training, based on studies on teaching professional knowledge and the action of teaching. As a result of the discussions, proposals will be prepared by the students that meet the needs of teacher education in their professional practice space..

Teaching and Learning Strategies
Having as a reference the theorizations about the learning processes, the discipline analyzes the theoretical and methodological dimensions of the act of teaching, addressing the concept of teaching and the set of procedures and strategies that favor student learning.

Didactic and Technological Resources in Teacher Education
The discipline promotes reflection on the relationship between technology, education and teacher training. It presents the main technological and communication resources and their applications in diverse educational environments, including in this set the actions with students with special educational needs. The teacher subsidizes the use of diverse resources of Virtual Learning Environments for the elaboration of activities for basic education.

Special Topics in Education
The menu of this course is variable depending on the evolution of research in the program. Involves discussion on topics relevant to the area of ​​education, including public policies for the sector, initial and continuing formation, inclusive training, among others. Infrastructure There are no specific laboratories for the course.

SUBJECTS – LINE 3 – Pedagogical practices for equity: MATHEMATICS TEACHING


Education Research Methodology
The discipline discusses fundamental methodological issues in studies in Education and Social Sciences. It seeks to problematize the scientific method through collection techniques, coding and analysis of both qualitative data - based on interviews, focus groups and life stories -, quantitative - based on questionnaires and public databases, using specific analysis software.

Teaching Profession and Professional Development
The course discusses the contributions of authors who have been investigating teaching work, the constitution of professionalism and professional development, the theme of teaching skills and knowledge, having as a backdrop the context of social and cultural changes that has been changing the role of schools and teachers in contemporary society.

Interdisciplinary Seminars
The seminars are developed over two consecutive periods of the course. They are designed to function as a space for discussing ongoing projects. The seminars are organized on two levels: the collective discussions, involving students and teachers, about dissertation projects; and lectures and discussions on the theme of Teacher Education for Basic Education, by invited researchers and professors of the program, usually based on ongoing research.

Introduction to PED

This course aims to introduce participating teachers to the principles, fundamentals and methodology of PED Brasil. Participants will be introduced to the curriculum structure and program expectations, initiate the formation of a learning and practice community and make connections between the experience and the construction of equitable interactions in the subjects of PED Brasil and in schools.

Classroom Management and Organization

It aims to provide participating teachers with an overview of classroom management and organization., understanding it as the creation of an environment capable of sustaining challenging and equitable learning opportunities. Based on theoretical foundations and reflections on their own experiences, participating teachers will develop their own approaches to establishing a well-structured learning environment, inclusive and productive, enabling rigorous intellectual work in the classroom.

Student-Centered Teaching and Learning

Focusing on the principles of learning and development of children and adolescents in family contexts, school and community, this discipline aims to allow participating teachers to observe and understand children and adolescents from the psychological perspectives, social, cognitive and physical. It discusses how teachers' integral knowledge of students can contribute to their pedagogical practices and, as a consequence, for student learning.

Group Work in Heterogeneous Classrooms

Aims to prepare teachers to build equitable classrooms through the pedagogical approach of group work. Based on a solid theoretical basis, teachers will learn and practice: how to build group-appropriate activities that support intellectual and social goals into their classrooms, how to evaluate group productions and individual contributions of group members and how to intervene to equalize student status relationships so that interactions during group work are more equitable.

Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics I

This course aims to promote reflection on the nature of mathematics and the meaning of the process of “doing mathematics”, recognizing it as an activity that involves creativity, flexibility, communication and collaboration. The course teachers will explore and implement in their classrooms a pedagogical practice that aims to develop flexibility and a deep understanding of the four operations – the Numerical Conversations –, in addition to deepening their pedagogical knowledge of content on the subject of Numbers in school mathematics.

Curriculum Planning

It aims to deepen the knowledge and practices of participating teachers on curriculum planning, from the theoretical perspective of planning for the understanding and use of the reverse planning methodology. throughout the classes, participants will review lesson plans and curriculum guidelines, identifying what students know and what they need to know; map evaluative activities that are suitable for verifying learning and adjusting training paths; and design lesson plans and implement them with their classes.

Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics II

It aims to enable teachers and professors to plan open and productive mathematical activities, focusing on students' understanding, and implement lessons based on the pedagogical problem-solving approach. Teachers will study the learning expectations described by the National Common Curriculum Base and the Great Mathematical Ideas as a planning aid tool, in addition to deepening their pedagogical knowledge of content on the subject of Algebra in school mathematics.

Assessment of, for and how Learning

Aims to develop the knowledge base, participating teachers' skills and strategies for designing an assessment system that supports the learning and performance of all students in their classrooms. By developing an assessment plan, participants will learn to relate planning, Implementation, assessment and reflection through connection with the teaching plan created in the Curriculum Planning module.

Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics III

It aims to support teachers and professors who take part in the development of mathematics learning communities in which students' discourse is valued.. Teachers and course teachers will learn planning practices and implementation of productive mathematical discussions with the whole class, focusing on connecting ideas, students' reasoning and understanding, in addition to deepening their pedagogical knowledge of content on the themes of Geometry and Quantities and Measurements in school mathematics.

The Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG) aims to encourage teaching and research activities carried out by professors and students at the University of Taubaté. The PRPPG organizes and regulates teaching and research activities through the opinions of the General Commission for Research and Graduate Studies, composed of representatives of the Lato and Stricto Sensu. Prepares teaching and research plans, oversees the lato sensu and stricto sensu graduate courses, scientific journals and teacher training programs. Promotes staff selection and composition of examining boards and proposes the movement of graduate teaching staff. In addition, analyzes and approves the conduct of research with animal models, laboratory research and clinical research from the perspective of Human Research Ethics Committees and Ethics Commission in the use of animals.

Pro-Rector: prof. Dr. Monica Franchi Carniello

Class location:
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Visconde do Rio Branco Street, 210, taubate – SP – CEP: 12020-040

Postgraduate courses secretariat

Address: Visconde do Rio Branco Street, 210 - Center - Taubaté / SP
telephone: (12) 3625-4226
Opening Hours: from Monday to Friday, 8h to 12 pm, and from 2 pm to 6 pm


telephone: (12) 3625-4217
Fax: (12) 3632-2947
Opening Hours: from Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm


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