Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil
Doctor and Master in Education (educational psychology) by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo PUC-SP , Specialization in Psychopedagogy, graduated in Economics and Pedagogy from the University of Taubaté UNITAU. She is currently a professor of Teaching Methodology for Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School at the Pedagogy Department of the University of Taubaté. – UNITAU. She was coordinator of the Pedagogy course in the period of 2012 a 2019. Coordinator of the Professional Masters in Education at the same university of 2019 a 2021. Member of CONSUNI – University Council. Member of the Permanent Education Forum in the municipality of Taubaté. Participates in the Research Group Center for Studies and Research on Teaching Professional Development at PUC-SP and coordinates the Education group: professional development, diversity and methodologies, also from CNPq. She worked as a teacher of Early Childhood Education and the Initial Years of Elementary School in the municipal and state public networks and in the private school.. Works with teacher training in public networks. Participated in PIBID as Area and Management Coordinator. Study teacher training, teaching learning, teacher professional development and beginning teachers.

Caesar Augustus Eugene
Doctor of Education. Line: Education, Society and Training Processes, and Master in Education Line: Story, Historiography and Educational Ideas, Both, with the support of CAPES, from the University of San Francisco. Graduated in Philosophy, dedicated to teaching for 27 years accumulating experience from Basic Education to Stricto Sensu. currently, at the University of Taubaté, is a professor at the Professional Master's in Education (MPE), Assistant Professor II of Philosophy and Ethics linked to the Basic Institute of Humanities. At the same institution, he is the director of the Pedagogy Department and coordinates distance learning courses in Philosophy and Sociology., in addition to coordinating the extension project “Life Projects: choices and challenges”. as a researcher, is a member of research groups “Education: professional development, diversity and methodology” e “History and Environmental Heritage” and participate in study groups “Socio-Historical” e “Collaborative Research” linked to MPE. Develops studies on childhood and its education, teacher training, ethic, politics and society. Organized and wrote several works in the field of Education, Philosophy, Regional History, Teacher training.

Cleusa Vieira da Costa
Doctoral student in education at the Interinstitutional Doctorate at Universidade Estácio de Sá and University of Taubaté (DINNER). Master in Education at UMESP. Graduated in pedagogy from UNITAU. Effective teacher of the pedagogy course at UNITAU, working in the areas of Child Development, Portuguese Language Methodology, Literacy. Project Coordinator PREX Tales and Charms. Coordinator of the Supervised Curricular Internship at the University of Taubaté Coordinator of the pedagogy area of the Pedagogical Residency Program. Develops teacher training activities in both the public and private spheres, with reading workshops, storytelling and teaching methodologies.

Cristovam da Silva Alves
Doctor of Education: Psychology of Education at PUC/SP. Master's in Education: educational psychology (PUC / SP). Graduated in Sciences with Qualification in Biology (Bachelor and Degree) by the University of Mogi das Cruzes / SP (1983) and in Pedagogy (Bachelor's degree) University Camilo Castelo Branco / SP (1986). He is currently a permanent professor in the Professional Masters in Education at the University of Taubaté. – MPE/UNITAU. He is a retired school supervisor at the Municipal Department of Education of the Municipality of São Paulo.. Research group member “Education: professional development, diversities and methodologies of MPE/UNITAU. Participates in GEPCEd Study Groups (Collaborative Educational Research Study Group) and GT-Historical Partner, both linked to MPE/UNITAU. It has experience in Education, with an emphasis on Teacher Education, acting on the themes: initial and continuing teacher training, identities, professional development, professionalism and collaborative research.

Erica Josiane Coelho Gouvea
PhD in Applied Computing by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE/2016) with Sandwich Internship at Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA. Master in Applied Computing by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE/2008), Specialization in Mathematics Teaching (CEUCLAR/2010) and Degree in Mathematics from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU/2004). Director of the Basic Institute of Exact Sciences at the University of Taubaté. Adjunct Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Taubaté. Professor of Calculus and Applied Statistics at the University of Taubaté and the Faculty of Technology of Taubaté and Pindamonhangaba. Permanent Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Taubaté. Institutional Attorney at the University of Taubaté (2019-2022), Member of the Council of Teaching and Research Deliberative Bodies of the University of Taubaté, Member of the Evaluation Committee of the University of Taubaté, Member of the Editorial Board of the University of Taubaté, President of the Teacher Evaluation Committee of the University of Taubaté. Experience in University Management, Pedagogical Advice and Teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus, Numerical calculation, Statistic, Computational Mathematics with an emphasis on Continuous Global Optimization.

Fabrina Moreira Silva
Graduated in Philosophy from the University of Taubaté (2002), Master's Degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2011), PhD in Visiting Researcher – Paris University 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (2014) and PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2017). Acts as pedagogical coordinator at UNITAU's EVA-Espaço Virtual de Aprendizagem, assistant professor at the University of Taubaté and professor of Philosophy at the Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo. Researcher at the Laboratory of Socio-Environmental Psychology and Intervention, Researcher at NUPES at the University of Taubaté. Has experience in the field of Distance Education, Virtual learning environments, Information and communication technology, Philosophy of Science, with an emphasis on Epistemology, acting on the following topics: Moodle, Distance Education, Design Thinking, P. Bourdieu, G. canguilhem, scientific ideology, historicity and trans-historicity of scientific knowledge, epistemology, sociology of science, rational intelligibility, metaphysics and science education.

Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti
Graduated in School of Communication and Arts at the University of São Paulo; Postgraduate lato sensu in Instructional Design from the Federal University of Itajubá; Master in Environmental Sciences from the University of Taubaté and PhD in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista. currently: studying MBA specialization in Data Science and Analytics at the University of São Paulo SP. Assistant Professor III at the University of Taubaté acting as: coordinating professor of the Professional Masters in Education at the University of Taubaté – MPE, Collaborating Professor of the Master in Human Development – MDH, professor in the Department of Management and Business – GEN, member of the Evaluation Committee – CPA – UNITAU, advisor to the Research Ethics Committee – CEP – UNITAU and President of CICTED. Has experience in education, geography, tourism and environment, with emphasis in: basic education, University education, Environmental education, Technological Education and Art Education. Mainly working on the following topics: art education, teacher training, sociocultural diversity and inclusion, environmental education for sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation, information and communication technology and teaching and learning processes. Research lines: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Education; Teacher Training and Professional Development; Inclusion and Sociocultural Diversity; Knowledge and practices in the use of technologies in education; Environmental education for biodiversity conservation; Art Education; Landscape planning; Public use in Conservation Units. Deputy leader of research groups: Education: professional development, diversities and methodologies – UNITAU – Human Sciences, Education; Center for Studies and Research in Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Practices in Distance Education – UNITAU – Human Sciences, Education. Coordinates the Art Education and Creation study group at MPE UNITAU. President of the Cunhambebe Association of Anchieta Island, ACIA and treasurer of the São Paulo Art Education Organization.

Katia Celina da Silva Richetto
Graduated from the Lorena EEL/USP School of Engineering(1992), Master in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá UNESP(1996), PhD in Materials Engineering from EEL/USP (2002) and specialization in Distance Education (2014). Starting a Post-Doctorate in Neuroscience Applied to Education and pursuing a Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering. Currently he is assistant professor at the University of Taubaté, Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education. Has experience in the field of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, with emphasis on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Teaching Training. Mainly working on the following topics: experimental chemistry, general physical chemistry chemistry, organic chemistry, scientific methodology and teacher training. Advisor to the Student Dean's Office since March 2020. Chemistry teacher at EAD UNITAU since August 2020 and TCC Supervisor at EAD UNITAU since March 2022.

Luciana Magalhães
Postdoctoral candidate in the Education Program: Educational Psychology - PUCSP (start 2022 – CAPES scholarship holder – Emergency Strategic Program for Preventing and Combating Outbreaks, Endemics, Epidemics and Pandemics – Process No. 88887.700340/2022-00). PhD by the Graduate Program in Education: Educational Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Master in Education by the Master's Program in Education and Human Development at UNITAU, Specialist in Inclusive Education and School Management. Graduated in Law and Pedagogy. Has experience as a social school manager, working in inclusive education projects and teacher training in the area of school inclusion. Acts as a counselor and was president of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Taubaté. She is the author of works, researcher and teacher in the area of Teacher Training for Inclusive Education, Special-Inclusive Education and Diversity from the perspective of Socio-Historical Psychology. Teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, also acting as a speaker and trainer of educators. She is currently Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education at the University of Taubaté. (MPE- UNITAU), acting in subjects and study groups in the areas of Special-Inclusive Education, Sociohistorical Psychology and Collaborative Research. Researcher at the GADS Research Group at PUCSP (Teaching Activity and Subjectivity Group), from GEDProf from MPE-UNITAU (Education Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies) and ANPEPP in the GT Method and theoretical categories in research in Socio-historical Psychology.

Marcia Regina de Oliveira
PhD in Urban and Regional Planning (UNIVAP, 2021); Master in Management and Regional Development (UNITAU, 2007); Postgraduate in Human Resources Management with an emphasis on Organizational Development (INPG/UNITAU, 2000) and in Technologies in Distance Education (UNICID, 2015); Bachelor's degree in business administration. (UNIMODULO, 1998). She is a professor of Strategic Management of People and Talents and Management by Competencies at the undergraduate level at the University of Taubaté. (UNITAU). Act, also, as a professor in the undergraduate courses in Administration and Gastronomy at the University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP), teaching Human Resources I and II, People management, Basic Administration and Evolution of Administrative Thought. Served as Coordinator of Higher Technology Courses in Human Resource Management, Management processes, Commercial and Logistics Management, in the Distance Education modality and as a member of the NDE of Courses in the Management and Business area, in the distance modality at the University of Taubaté – UNITAU (2012 a 2019). Served as a member of the Shared Management of the Distance Education Center ? NEAD/UNITAU (2020 a 2021). Served as Pedagogical Coordinator (2020 a 2022). Acts as a professor and researcher in the Master's Program in Management and Regional Development at the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) and as a professor and collaborating researcher in the Professional Master's Program in Education at the same institution. Member of the General Commission for Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Taubaté (UNITAU). He is a member of the Committee of the Department of Research and Graduate Studies in Management and Business – CDPG-GEN. Member of the Research Group Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Knowledge and Practices in Distance Education at NEAD/UNITAU. Member of the ENADE Area Advisory Committee 2018 e 2022 at INEP – GUY. She worked as a Management Advisor at Petrobras-REVAP in 2004 a 2012.

Maria Aparecida Diniz Campos de Castro
Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Taubaté (1983), Master's in Education (educational psychology) the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1995), doctorate degree (2000) and Post-Doctorate in Education: educational psychology (2004-2006) the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo to research on the subject “The Constitution of Knowledge, the thinking and the most Resilient Act on Management: Training courses and professional development”, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco. She was a professor collaborator Dr., University of Taubaté, in the effective teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy and in that university he performed different functions, since your entry into 1976 until his retirement in 2011. He was a member of the University Council UNITAU, General Coordinator of the Internship Center (2006-2010) and responsible for the Distance Education Pedagogical Coordination at the University of Taubaté (2006-2011). He held the position of Director of Committee on Municipal Department of Education Taubaté, between January 2012 to November 2014. Currently serves as: researcher and coordinator of research projects funded by the National Fund for Educational Development CAPES; researcher and professor of the Professional Master's in Education and Master's in Human Development: Formation, Political and Social Practices of the University of Taubaté; professor of the Professional Master in Mechanical Engineering at UNITAU; professor of postgraduate courses in several areas with the discipline Didactics and Methodology of Higher Education and Psychology: Development and Learning and School, family and community (Psychopedagogy course – UNITAU); coordinates and works in Continuing Education Programs for Basic Education, in a collaborative partnership between the University of Taubaté and the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo and Municipal Departments of Education in the North Coast and Vale do Paraíba; acted as coordinator and teacher of the Postgraduate course in School Management for the training of professionals in education for Administration, Planning, Inspection, Supervision and Educational Guidance for Basic Education; also worked as an adjunct professor and researcher at Centro Universitário Modulo and Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul(2015 a 2017) and worked as an institutional relations advisor at Fundação Universitária de Taubaté (FUST) and in the years of 2018 e 2019 idealized, coordinated and developed the Pedagogy course for Faculdade Dehoniana based in Taubaté, obtained approval from the MEC (as a note 5). currently: (i) guides and develops research with students of the Academic Master's Program in Human Development and Professional Master's in Education, both from UNITAU; (ii) coordinates continuing education courses aimed at Basic Education and (iii) teaches classes in the respective master's courses mentioned above and together with the lato sensu postgraduate courses indicated here and (iv) works on the Ad Hoc Reviewers Committee of Fundação Carlos Chagas and as a reviewer Reviewer to this from the Electronic Journal of Education (São Carlos) Reveduc – of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of São Carlos, ISSN 1982-7199, . It has experience in Education, with emphasis on Educational Management and Professional and Continuing Training, expert in the following themes: human development, learning and adult cognition; professional training and constitution of pedagogical knowledge; school management, school-family relationship and resilience in education.

Maria Cristina Prado Vasques Cunha
Graduated from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences (2003) and Licentiate (2004). Master in Botany A/C Plant Physiology from the State University of São Paulo “Julio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) – Botucatu / SP (2007), and PhD from the University of Taubaté, by the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry, A/C Dental Biology. He is currently a professor at the University of Taubaté., working in the disciplines of Cytology, Molecular Techniques, Biology and Bioethics and Biologist legislation in face-to-face courses. She also works as Coordinator of the Learning Objects Sector at EaD UNITAU. Member of the NDE of the Degree in Biological Sciences, EaD and face-to-face modalities. Invited professor of the Masters in Education at UNITAU. Works as a temporary teacher at Etec Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin.

Maria Fátima de Melo Toledo
Has a degree (1997), master's degree (2000) and Doctorate (2006) in Social History from the University of São Paulo (USP). Act, since 2007, as a teacher of African History subjects, History of America and Iberian History of the History Degree course at the Department of Social Sciences and Literature at the University of Taubaté, where she was course coordinator. From 2014, is a technical advisor to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the same University. From 2022, is president of the Permanent Academic Selection Committee, organizing selection processes, and the Special Competition Committee, both from the same institution. He worked as a support teacher for the History Degree Course at EAD Unitau. From 2023, works as a teacher in training for the Professional Master's Degree in Education, of the Postgraduate Program at the University of Taubaté. Has experience in historical research and education, acting, principally, in the areas of African and Brazilian History, Marcos da Decolonial Theory. She also has a degree in Civil Engineering (1984) the University of Taubaté, with experience in the area of Industrial Works Planning.

Mariana de Souza Aranha
PhD in Education: Curriculum (2011) and Master in Education: Curriculum (2006) the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Graduated in Pedagogy from Faculdade Maria Augusta Ribeiro Daher (2001). She is currently Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education at the University of Taubaté and the Master's Degree in Management and Regional Development at the University Center of Southern Minas -UNIS-MG. She is Pedagogical Coordinator of the Teresa D’Ávila University Center – UNIFORM, in Lorena-SP and Coordinator of the Pedagogy Course. It is the researcher Gepi (Group of Studies and Research in Interdisciplinary) da PUC / SP, from the Education Research Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies of the University of Taubaté and of the Study and Research Group for Teaching Science and Engineering – GEPECE, from the School of Engineering of Lorena at the University of São Paulo – USP. She also acts as Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Psychopedagogy at the University of Taubaté.. Has experience as a Research Advisor, University professor, Basic Education Teacher and School Director. It operates mainly with the following themes: interdisciplinarity, Teacher training, Curriculum, School management, Didactics, Distance Education, Technologies and Digital Media and Active Learning Methodologies.

Maria Teresa de Moura Ribeiro
Degree in Education from the University of Taubaté (1991), Master of Education (educational psychology) the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1996) and a PhD in Education (educational psychology) the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2001). Currently he is assistant professor at the University of Taubaté, where he works in the Pedagogy course and in the Professional Masters in Education and participates in the Education Research Group: professional development, diversity and methodologies and the Study Group on Pedagogical Practices in Mathematics. His topics of interest and research are: elementary School, public school, teacher training, continuing education and methodology for teaching mathematics.

Mércia Aparecida da Cunha Oliveira
She is a professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Education at the University of Taubaté in the discipline Practices of Inclusive Education and Inclusive Education and Diversity. Participates in the Study Group on Universal Learning Design. Doctorate in Education: Story, Politics, Society at the Catholic University of São Paulo (2005). Master's Degree in Communication Disorders in São Paulo (1996); specialization in Psychopedagogy by UNITAU, 1986; Graduated in Pedagogy – Have. Teaching for the Disabled of Audiocommunication by the University of Taubaté (1982), Full degree in Physical and Biological Sciences (1977). Retired Assistant Professor at the University of Taubaté. Worked in the Department of Pedagogy as a teacher in the subjects of general training and specific subjects of Special Education (Psychology of the Hearing Impaired, Psychology applied to Mental Disability, Assessment and Psychopedagogical Guidance of students with mental disabilities, Social Problems of the Deaf, educational psychology) and in other degrees from the same Institution teaching Psychology of Education in 1986 a 2009. He was Head of the Pedagogy Department at Unitau between 1993 a 1997. Participated as a teacher in the Literacy Solidarity Program in the FHC government. Professor coordinator at the lato sensu Graduate Course in Psychopedagogy at the University of Taubaté, São Paulo of 1989 a 2012. Teacher of Science and Biology in basic education (elementary School) in state and municipal public schools and in Special Education. Pedagogical Advisor to the Student Pro-Rectory of UNITAU between 2006 e 2009, working in the pedagogical support program for university students with disabilities. Pedagogical advisor for the inclusion of deaf students in municipal schools in Taubaté (2005-2006); teacher in the subjects of Special Education and Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education in the Pedagogy course – PARFOR, at the University of Taubate in 2012-2013. Director at Dr School. Alfredo José Balbi of Unitau de 1997 a 2002 e 2015/2016 and Director of the Maestro Fêgo Camargo Municipal School of Arts in Taubaté 2013/2014.

Moacir Jose dos Santos
Doctor (2006), teacher (2000) and graduated (1996) in History from the Paulista State University Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), with postdoc (2015) by the University of Minho (UMINE). Professor at the University of Taubate (UNITAU) and the Modulo University Center. Professor of the Master in Management and Regional Development (MGDR) and the Master in Planning and Regional Development (MPDR) from UNITAU. Deputy Coordinator of the Master's Program in Regional Planning and Development. Executive Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Management and Regional Development. Collaborating Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education at UNITAU. Leader of the Center for Research and Studies in Communication (NUPEC), member of the Regional Development Assessment and Diagnosis group and of the History Research Center at the University of Taubaté, groups registered in the CNPq Research Group Directory. He was Research Support Coordinator and Coordinator of the Technological Innovation Center (NIT), coordinations linked to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (2021-2022). Director of the Basic Institute of Humanities at UNITAU (2018 e 2022). Worked on the Cultural Trails Project, UNITAU extension activity dedicated to recording and researching the popular culture of Vale do Paraíba Paulista. Collaborates with the development of the Scientific Initiation Program of the Centro Universitário Modulo, acting in the selection of works submitted to the selection notices, guidance and encouragement to scientific initiation and leads the line of research in Education, Culture and Society. She has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on development policy, communication and cultural industry in Brazil, relations between the military of the Army and State, popular culture in the Paraíba Valley.

Diana Patricia Edith Belfort Souza Camargo Ortiz Monteiro
PhD in Environmental Sciences. Expert: Innovative Business Management (UNINTER), Digital Technologies and Active Methodologies in Education (INESP), School Management and Pedagogical Coordination (INESP), Environmental Management in Coastal Developments (USP), Tourism and Environment (SENAC), and Planning and Management of Conservation Units (CATIE / Costa Rica). Works for 21 years in Higher Education and for 9 years in stricto-sensu programs. She is currently a professor linked to the Department of Management and Business and the Graduate Programs in Human Development (permanente) and in Education (contributor) from the University of Taubaté, and professor of the Graduate Program in Education at Estácio de Sá University. Has experience in Distance Education (2013 – 2022): Program Management, projects, Didactic Materials and Courses, Regulation and Implementation of Higher Education Courses (EEC and SINAES), pole coordination, Coordination, teaching and tutoring courses. Has experience in management: Project, Implementation and Management of Innovation Environment – HUB, Executive Director of the Research Company, Technology and Services -EPTS, Director of the Mixed Tourism Company of Ubatuba, Own company manager. Mentora da ABMEN-SP, by Salto Acceleradora and Inova -CPS. He has experience in advisory and consulting services in the public and private sectors and in fundraising and management of socio-environmental projects in the third sector.. Participates in research groups, between them: ANPEPP Social Representations WG, the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research on Knowledge and Practices in Distance Education and the Culture Research Group, Education and Social Representations at Estácio de S University. Research lines: Contexts, Social Practices and Human Development; Social Representations: human rights, technologies and sciences; Social representations and educational practices; Knowledge and practices in the use of technologies in education; Environmental Education and Sociobiodiversity; Innovation and Education; Inclusion and Sociocultural Diversity. Acts on issues: Education, Distance Learning, Environmental education, Social Representations, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Digital Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainable development, Sociobiodiversity.

Rachel Duarte Abdala
He graduated in History from the University of São Paulo (1999), Graduate Degree in History from the University of São Paulo (1999), Master in Education at the University of São Paulo (2003) and PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo (2013). She is currently an assistant professor at the University of Taubaté.. She served as a collaborating professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of São Paulo 9de 2020 a 2021). Coordinator of the PIBID History subproject - Institutional Program for Teaching Incentive Scholarships at UNITAU. Extension project coordinator. Pedagogical coordinator of the History course at UNITAU. General Coordinator and Permanent Professor of the Master's Program in Human Development at UNITAU. Collaborating professor of the Professional Master's Program in Education at UNITAU. Post-doctorate in History of Education at the University of São Paulo, with a research mission carried out in France. Member of the Municipal Council of Historical Heritage of Taubaté. She has experience in the area of History, with emphasis in History, acting on the following topics: photography, representation, education, culture and reform.

Roseli Albino dos Santos
Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Taubaté (1990), Master's in Education: Story, Politics, Society at the Catholic University of São Paulo (2002) and Doctorate in Education: Story, Politics, Society at the Catholic University of São Paulo (2006). He is a professor at undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of Taubaté and works in the Department of Pedagogy, in the Professional Master's in Education and in the EAD Pedagogy Course. It has experience in Education, acting in administrative activities and teaching in basic education schools of the state and municipal public networks. Research line: Cultural Inclusion and Diversity, developing studies, principally, in the areas of Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education, in teacher training and in the development of inclusive educational practices.

Suelene Regina Donola Mendonça
Doctorate in Education by the History program, Politics, Society of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo , Master of Education by the Educational Psychology program – Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo , Specialization in Psychopedagogy at the University of Taubaté. Graduation in Pedagogy with Qualification for the Disabled of Audio Communication from the University of Taubaté (1981). Professor of Basic Education II – Special education (Def. hearing). São Paulo State Department of Education (1982-2012). Assistant Professor III at the University of Taubaté, crowded at the Department of Pedagogy, concursada in the discipline of Teaching, NDE member of the same Department (2018-2021). Professor and member of the Postgraduate Education Committee (CPG-ED) of the Professional Master's Degree in Education at the University of Taubaté, working in the line Inclusive education and sociocultural diversity. Coordinator and psychopedagogue of the Student Assistance Program for Special Educational Needs (PAENEE) linked to the Student Dean of the University of Taubaté. Worked in the coordination of the subproject area of the degree in Pedagogy of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID)CAPES.(2015-2018). Served as counselor of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of Taubaté. She is a researcher at ACCESSI (school accessibility and inclusive society Study and Research Group) from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, from the Study Group of the Education Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies of the University of Taubaté Has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Inclusive Policies and Practices, acting mainly in the following areas: special education, inclusive education, deaf education, development, teaching and learning.

Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro
Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro is a teacher, researcher and woman. Graduated in History from the University of São Paulo (bachelor degree 1998 and degree 2003). In the Social History program – USP, did a master's degree (2002) and doctorate (2007 – with internship at Columbia University-NY). Through their research, developed a special look at the gender issue and the action of social movements. It was also through research, in the practice of oral history, who learned to listen to stories and understand their complex subjectivities. IT'S, currently, assistant teacher level II, from the University of Taubaté – UNITAU, where she works as General Coordinator of the Distance Education Center, and integrates the faculty of the Master in Human Development: Formation, Social Policies and Practices and Professional Master's in Education. She is also a professor of the Masters in Management and Regional Development at the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas.. Thus, united in his doing education and research, learning and teaching about teacher training and practices, history teaching, beyond concerns about diversity and differences. She was a professor at Colégio Giordano Bruno and at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS. In these activities, he learned to teach other people to be researchers., guiding undergraduate and graduate work, but he also learned from his elementary and high school students how to teach other students in college to become educators. Conducts research projects at Fala e Escrita Pesq. and Doc. historical., organizing documentation and memory centers as communication resources between companies and subjects. She is a researcher at Neho em Rede – Center for Studies in Oral History, of the Study and Research Group on Teaching History and Language Practices – Curriculum, History and Culture (GEPEH/UFMS); Collaborating Researcher at the Simão Mathias Center for Studies in the History of Science and Researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Knowledge and Practices in Distance Education – UNITAU. From what he learned from people and their life stories, he wrote books, including: “Practical Guide to Oral History” (2011), “Voices of the March on Earth” (nominated for the Jabuti award in 1998), “voices of the earth – life history of rural settlers in São Paulo” (2005) e “Production of historical knowledge” (2009/2010), in addition to articles in books and periodicals. In the quest for public education, democratic and for all developed academic support materials for distance learning and taught courses for the Open University of Brazil – UAB and for the University of Taubaté – UNITAU. Has research and teaching experience in Education, Research History and Methodology, working mainly with the following topics: oral history, Memory, Identity, rights, Diversity, Difference, Teaching Practices, Teacher Training and History Teaching.

Thiago Vasquez Molina
PhD in Audiovisual Communication from Anhembi Morumbi University. Graduated in Social Communication with specialization in Publicity and Propaganda (2003), postgraduate degree in Communication and Political Marketing and Master in Applied Linguistics from the University of Taubaté (2016). He is currently Director of Programming at TV Educativa at the University of Taubaté. (2003). Effective professor at the University of Taubaté (2019) in the courses of the Department of Social Communication. Coordinator of the Technology in Audiovisual Production course at the Department of Social Communication at the University of Taubaté. Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education – PRPPG | UNITAU. Works in the area of Communication with emphasis on Audiovisual production, on the following topics: cinema, documentary, video, script and production.

Valter Jose Cobo
Graduated from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (1991), Master's degree from the State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1995) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1999). Currently he is assistant professor at the University of Taubaté, in which he created and coordinated the specialization course “summer of meaning” in Marine Biology in addition to belonging to the permanent faculty of the courses “in the strict sense” in Environmental Sciences and professional in Education at the University of Taubaté. He also acted as area supervisor and institutional area coordinator with PIBID UNITAU, for the degree in Biological Sciences. Has experience in the area of Zoology, with emphasis on Invertebrate Zoology, acting on the following topics: Marine biology, biology of decapod crustaceans on communities, populations, reproduction, food and growth.

Virginia Mara Prospero da Cunha
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education (1986) and Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy, specialization in School Administration, the University of Taubaté (1989), Graduate Degree in Education, qualification in Teaching, the Faculty of Education of Guaratingueta (1996), Master's and Doctorate in Education: educational psychology, peel PUC/SP (2003 e 2009). At the University of Taubate (Unitau), served as Assistant Professor III, effective, course holder: Physical Education (1997 a 2021), Pedagogical Coordinator of the Physical Education course (2008 a 2010 e 2016 a 2019), Director of the Department of Physical Education (2011 a 2016), Member of the Research Ethics Committee, Bioscience Faculty Representative, on the Board of Directors (CONSAD), member of FAPETI and FUNCABES, Supervising Professor of the Physical Education Subproject PIBID/CAPES/UNITAU (Physical Education Subproject – 2011 a 2018), Institutional Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program / CAPES / UNITAU (2018 – 2021). and Advisor and coordinator of Extension Programs and Projects, Dean of Extension (2020 – 2021) She is currently a permanent professor of the Professional Master's in Education (MPE) and Master's in Health Sciences, from the University of Taubaté. She is a researcher at the Education Research Group: professional development, diversities and methodologies, from the University of Taubaté and the Research-Trans-Formation Group and the Subjective Dimension category as theoretical-methodological resources for apprehending and transforming the educational reality, from PUC/SP and Unitau. He has experience in the area of School Physical Education and Education, with emphasis on Evaluation and Teacher Training, acting on the following topics: Physical Education, Evaluation of Learning, Recreational Activities in Basic Education, Teacher training, Educational Policies and Technological Resources in Education.

Willian Jose Ferreira
Degree in Physics from UNESP/Guaratinguetá and Master in Environmental Sciences from the University of Taubaté, since 2019, is studying a PhD in Space Geophysics at INPE, developing research related to the interaction between solar ultraviolet radiation and clouds. Professionally, since 2002, works at the Laboratory of Environmental Biogeochemistry (COMMIT), with activities associated with the study of greenhouse gas emissions, both in the change of land use and occupation and in the aqueous environment, also providing technical and scientific information aimed at subsidizing public policies for mitigation and adaptation to environmental changes. in parallel, since 2013, is a professor at the Basic Institute of Exact Sciences at the University of Taubaté, where he also works as a teacher of the Physics and Mathematics courses at EAD UNITAU. In 2023 joined the faculty of the Professional Master's Program in Education at UNITAU, contributing to the implementation of the Line 3 of MPE research (Pedagogical Practices for Equity).