Roundtable “Psychopedagogical performance in the school context”

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The Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Psychopedagogy, coordinated by Profa. Dr. Mariana de Souza Aranha, MPE teacher, promoted on the day 13/02/2021, at 10:30, the Round Table “Psychopedagogical performance in the school context”.
The Bureau was mediated by Profa. Dr. Maria Aparecida Campos Diniz, also a teacher at the MPE, and had the participation of all students of the course and teachers and students from the region.
Participated as speakers of the Bureau, representatives of the Municipal Secretariats of Education of the Paraíba Valley Region:
• Profa. Heidy Gonzalez Teixeira da Costa, Director of Elementary Education I of the Education Department of Campos do Jordão and student of the MPE;
• Profa. Beth Cursino, Supervisor of the Education Directorate of the Municipality of Pindamonhangaba;
• Prof. Ms. Daniel Messias dos Santos, Professor at the São Luís do Paraitinga State Network and ex-MDH;
• Profa. Ms. Gabriela Antonia Correa da Silva, Municipal Secretary of the Taubaté Network and graduated from the MDH,
• Prof. Plinio Macedo, of the Coordinator of the Municipal Education Network of Taubaté;
• Profa. Elisângela Siqueira, Special Education Coordinator at Jacareí Municipal Education Office
We thank all the speakers who kindly accepted this invitation and all the participants. It was a unique opportunity to discuss this very important topic!


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