III International Seminar on Education
IV Meeting of Graduates
II Meeting of Pedagogical Practices in Basic Education of the Professional Master's Degree in Education - 2022
01 a 03 from December 2022
IV MEETING OF GRADUATES, II MEETING ON PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES IN BASIC EDUCATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL MASTER'S DEGREE IN EDUCATION, MPE – UNITAU will receive registrations for participation in the listening modalities and presentation of works in Communication Sessions, for free, that result from reports of experiences of basic education teachers, experienced in the school context in the post-pandemic period, in accordance with the conditions of this Notice.
The Organizing Committee points out that experience reports that dialogue with the production of professional knowledge of teachers will be valued; the processes of initial and continuing training of teachers aimed at developing relevant pedagogical practices; to the teaching and learning processes and the experiences that explore the strategies of an inclusive education and for equity and focused on diversity in the school context.
1. Objectives
1.1 The general objective of the event is to guarantee an important space for the presentation and discussion of experience reports so that basic education teachers and postgraduate students can disseminate their pedagogical experiences., thus contributing to the collective construction of reflection on education as a field of research and teacher training, in addition to bringing the university closer to the school.
1.2 As a specific objective, the event intends to discuss and reflect on the pedagogical experiences of basic education teachers, exploring their potential and challenges in the post-pandemic period., valuing their knowledge allowing a fruitful encounter between different professional knowledge.
- Thematic Axes
2.1 Entries must fall into one of the following axes:
Axle 1 - Child education;
Axle 2 – Early Years of Elementary School;
Axle 3 – Final Years of Elementary School;
Axle 4 - High school;
Axle 5 – Technical and Vocational Education;
Axle 6 – Inclusive Education and Diversity;
Axle 7 - School management;
Axle 8 - Teacher training.
2.2 Sessions for the presentation of submitted and approved works - Oral Communication Sessions – will be held on the day 02 from December, Friday, from 19:00 to 21:00 and on the day 3 from December, Saturday, from 2 pm to 5 pm. Each participant will have up to 10 minutes to present your Oral Communication. Each session may be composed of participants from different axes.
- Types of Participation
3.1 You are invited to participate in this call for work presentation modality teachers interested in sharing and discussing their pedagogical experiences in different areas of activity in Education.
3.2 You will also be able to participate in the event at listener modality those interested in participating by attending lectures and presentations.
3.3. Interested applicants must apply using the application form. on-line available on the event's website, specifying the chosen modality.
- Registration
4.1 Listener registrations
Those interested in participating as listeners must register using the Registration Form found at https://www.even3.com.br/iii-seminario-internacional-de-educacao-e-iv-encontro-de-egressos-do-mestrado-profissional-em-educacao-mpe-unitau-284694 no period between the days 10 of november 2022 up until 03 december 2022.
4.2 Registration in the presentation of works modality
4.2.1 Interested in presenting works, provided they are in one of the conditions described in item 3.1 of this notice, must register using the Registration Form found https://www.even3.com.br/iii-seminario-internacional-de-educacao-e-iv-encontro-de-egressos-do-mestrado-profissional-em-educacao-mpe-unitau-284694, no period between the days 10 of november 2022 up until 29 of november 2022.
4.2.2 Information must be filled in completely when registering., subsequent changes are not possible.. It is recommended, therefore, pay close attention to filling it out.
4.2.3 Registration will be free.
4.2.4 Registration implies acceptance, by the participant, of the rules and conditions described in this Notice.
4.3 Participants enrolled in work presentation modality will be entitled to receive a certificate of presentation of work e participation certificate 30 hours, as long as they participate in 75% of event activities (Communication Sessions and Round Tables).
4.3.1 Participants enrolled in listener modality will be entitled to receive a certificate of participation from 30 hours, as long as they participate in 75% of event activities (Communication Sessions and Round Tables).
- Rules for Submitting and Formatting a Simple Abstract
5.1 The works presented must be related to the theme of the event and will be in the format of a Simple or Expanded Abstract, both modalities will compose the Book of Abstracts of the Annals of the event.
5.2 The Simple Summary must contain up to 500 words.
5.3 It is suggested that the Abstract contain Introduction/Presentation, presentation objectives, Field of action.
5.4 The abstract must contain: Title (centralized); Author(is/as), E-mail, Teaching Unit and Network to which it belongs or University/Postgraduate Program/Research Line of origin (right corner of the page); three keywords (left corner of the page).
5.5 The Abstract must follow the format below:
- Microsoft Word; source: Times New Roman; Size 12
- character spacing: Normal
- space between lines: 1,5
- top margin: 2,5 cm; inferior: 2,5 cm; left: 3 cm and right 2,5 cm.
- Alignment: justified.
- paper size: A4.
5.6 It is not mandatory to use citations and bibliographical references, if there is, must follow ABNT standards (NBR 6023/2002).
- Selection of Papers for Presentation and Publication
6.1 The Organizing Committee clarifies that all works that meet the conditions described in this Announcement, submitted within the deadline for registration, being carried out by basic education teachers described in item 3.1, will be accepted for oral presentation after acceptance by the evaluators. The Simple Summary will be published in the Annals III of the INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON EDUCATION AND IV MEETING OF Alumni AND II SEMINAR ON PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES IN BASIC EDUCATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL MASTER IN EDUCATION – 2022, publication that will have ISBN registration. The selection will take place by correctly completing the Application Form and submitting the abstract according to the rules for submission and presentation of papers..
6.2 The approved papers will be announced in 30 of november 2022 on the event's website.
6.3 Attention is requested regarding the rigor regarding the formal and content aspects requested according to this public notice. Abstract writing should be concise., with accuracy and clarity necessary for your faithful understanding.
6.4 The abstracts whose entries strictly meet the criteria established in this notice will be published in the Event Abstracts Book, containing ISBN.
- Rules for Presentation of Works
7.1 The Works must be registered in the single modality “Oral Communication” by sending a Simple Abstract in the Registration Form until the day 29 of november 2022. 7.2 The presentation of the works will be held in one of the Oral Communication Sessions. Each presenter can (or not) use of slides, remembering that the maximum presentation time will be up to 10 minutes.
7.3 Presenters must follow the guidelines of the Accessibility Protocol (available in attachment).
7.4 The rooms for the Communication Sessions will be organized through the Zoom platform, whose links will be made available on the electronic platform indicated above.
7.5 The Certificate of oral communication of the work is conditioned to the author's presence at the event and its effective presentation during the Communication Session in which it is registered.
Final dispositions
The selected authors, since now, authorize the Organizing Committee to publish the work in printed and/or electronic media.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to distribute the work presentations according to the schedule and discussion axes it deems relevant..
Cases omitted in this Announcement will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make any changes to this Announcement., Without previous warning, but which must be disclosed by the site the event well in advance.
10/11/2022 Disclosure of site electronic
10/11/2022 Publication of the Public Notice for the Registration of Works
10/11/2022 Opening of registration for works and participants as listeners
29/11/2022 Closing of registration for presentation of works
30/12/2022 Disclosure of works approved for Oral Communication.
03/12/2022 Closing of registrations for participants as listeners
Date of the event: 1 at 3 december 2022
Deadline for submission of works: 29 of November 2022
When choosing the types of subscriptions you want to make, click in “+” to select the quantity. After finishing, Click on the button “Make Registration” Right below.
Deadline for submission: 29 from November