Egress from MPE is president of the Council for People with Disabilities in the city of Campos do Jordão

The Municipal Council of Persons with Disabilities of Campos do Jordão – SP was created by Law No. 4.119 from 10 from May of 2022. Its responsibilities are to draw up plans, programs and projects of the municipal policy for people with disabilities. The purpose of the Council is to supervise and propose public policies, assisting in awareness and awareness campaigns in the segment of people with disabilities. Heidy Gonzalez Teixeira da Costa, assumed the presidency in 29 of november 2022, was a student of the Professional Master's Degree in Education in the class of 2020, guided by the teacher. Ana Calil. He is very proud to contribute to the growth of the Board through the knowledge acquired in the Stricto sensu Graduate Program at the University of Taubaté.


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