UNITAU degree courses promote reflection on new curricular guidelines

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With the objective of expanding knowledge about education in Brazil and in the world, and strengthen the academic curriculum, undergraduate courses at the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) started the project “Graduates in action: building knowledge”. The first date online, held in May 2021, with the participation of the graduate of the Master in Education, prof. Ma. Stefania Andrade, which addressed creative methodologies in the classroom, developing the theme “Magical Creativity in Education, Harry Potter as a teaching tool”.

“We created this proposal to bring actions such as conversation circles, lectures and events to integrate all teacher training courses, promoting multidisciplinarity. Knowledge is one, then, doing this, we promote more integration between students, teachers and community”, reports the Director of the Pedagogy Department, prof. Dr. Maria Teresa de Moura Ribeiro.

To mark the beginning of the second half, two new events are set to take place, also in the format online. the first of them, what happens on the day 2 (Monday), at 5 pm, bring the teacher. PhD in Education, Marcia de Souza Hobold, which will deal with theCurriculum guidelines for teacher training: advances or setbacks in the Pedagogy course”.

for the teacher. Dr. Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil, coordinator of the Master in Education at UNITAU and mediator of the inter-institutional conversation circle, “The future of Pedagogy and other degrees is uncertain as a result of the changes that have been taking place in the Resolutions and Guidelines for both initial and continuing teacher training”, it says.

She also comments that the discussion is extremely necessary at the University, since these norms directly impact the lives of future teachers and their tutors. “Resolution CNE/CP No. 2/2015 was in the process of implementation in the country. However, in 2019, the National Board of Education (CNE) revoked this Resolution and enacted new National Curriculum Guidelines for the initial training of teachers, for basic education, and instituted the Common National Base, for the Initial Training of Basic Education Teachers (BNC-Training) (Res. CNE/CP nº 2/2019), of a technical-instrumental nature, disregarding the historicity of the training entities, as well as the production of knowledge in the area. Another fact refers to the revision of the Pedagogy DCN (CNE/CP Resolution No. 1/2006) by CNE, with a view to profoundly altering the structure, the design, the character and content of the training offered by these courses”, scores the teacher.

Another meeting scheduled for teachers, students and community will be held on Thursday (11). The researcher and writer Prof.. Dr. Jason Ferreira Mapfra will promote a reflection on Paulo Freire, philosopher considered one of the most notable thinkers in the history of world pedagogy, who would celebrate his 100th birthday in September 2021. O "Paulo Freire's centenary and the actuality of his legacy”, happens at 19 pm, through the platform zoom.

“We are living in times when Paulo Freire’s works are denied. Professor Jason comes to bring the importance of his legacy, discussing education as an act of awareness. This view is extremely important for anyone working in the area.. They are professors from other institutions who also come to contribute to our training. This is really cool”, comments the event mediator, teacher Maria Teresa.

UNITAU, the university of the future!



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