2º International Congress on Research and Educational Experience

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2º International Congress on Research and Educational Experience

31 from October to 2 from November 2021

We invite everyone to participate in the 2nd International Congress of Research and Educational Experience – CIIEE that will take place on the days 31 October, 1 e 2 november 2021, at UNASP Engenheiro Coelho Campus – São Paulo (ONLINE), organized by the Professional Master of Education. This international congress is aimed at the participation of teachers and researchers who have discussed teaching practice, expanding reflections on teacher training, education and technology, inclusion and ethnic diversity, curricular innovation and pedagogical practices, and management and educational processes, among other related areas.

Congress proposes to discuss these themes, seeking to highlight the complexity of this field of knowledge with a view to the excellence of the various educational processes in the professional context.

So, the CIIEE opens space for discussion, reflection, socialization and construction of knowledge necessary for pedagogical practices. It is aimed at teachers from different segments, educational managers, education researchers, graduate students and others interested in the topic.

The submission of works will cover the following modalities:

full article (Investigation completed or in progress, educational experience report, up until 12 pages)

Expanded Summary (Investigation in progress or report of educational experience, up until 6 pages)

Technical and Technological Production (PTT) (Products resulting from research or educational experience reports, 3 pages and multimedia presentation).

There is the possibility of publishing articles, after reviewers evaluation, in the magazines:

Revista, Teach, Discipline (RDD) https://revistas.unasp.edu.br/rdd

Internet Latent Corpus Journal https://proa.ua.pt/index.php/ilcj

Magazine@ambiente Educação http://publicacoes.unicid.edu.br/index.php/ambienteeducacao/index

Education & https language://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/EL

Journal of Applied Studies in Education https://seer.uscs.edu.br/index.php/revista_estudos_aplicados

Journal of Human Sciences https://www.rchunitau.com.br/index.php/rch

Other scientific journals will be added.

Important dates:

Submission of articles: up until 30 july 2021

Nova Data: 20 August 2021

Notification to authors: up until 20 August 2021

Nova Data: 10 September 2021

Submission of definitive texts for publication: up until 30 August 2021

Nova Data: 20 September 2021

subscription: up until 30 October 2021

CIIEE days 2021: 31 October (Sunday), 1 e 2 november 2021 (Monday, Tuesday).

Steps for Participation in the CIIEE 2021:

1. Register*.

2. Make payment through the system**.

3. Download the template below for paper submission.

4. Submit your work by 30 july 2021.

5. Wait for feedback from reviewers. The work can be accepted, accepted with corrections or not accepted.

* All co-authors of their work must register and pay for participation in the CIIEE.

** For those who are not going to submit works, just go to step 2.

More information at: https://www.even3.com.br/ciiee2021/


Coming soon


When choosing the types of subscriptions you want to make, click in “+” to select the quantity. After finishing, Click on the button “Make Registration” Right below.

CIIEE Commissions 2021

Organizing committee

  • Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil

scientific commission

  • Ana Maria Gimenes Corrêa Cali
  • Cristovam da Silva Alves
  • Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti
  • Luciana Magalhães
  • Mariana de Souza Aranha
  • Roseli Albino dos Santos
  • Suelene Regina Donola Mendonça
  • Virginia Mara Prospero da Cunha

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (under construction)

Internal Member

Gildene de Ouro Lopes Silva (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Francislê Neri de Souza (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP, Center for Didactic Research and Technology in the Training of Trainers, CIDTFF)

Germana Ponce de Leon Ramirez (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Luciane Weber Baia Hees (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Dayse Cristine Dantas Brito Neri de Souza (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP, Center for Didactic Research and Technology in the Training of Trainers, CIDTFF)

Ellen Rodrigues (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Everson Muckenberger (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Silvia Cristina de Oliveira Frames (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Rebeca Pizza P. Darius (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

External Members (National Institutions)

Ana Sílvia Moço Aparício (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, USCS)

Marcelo Furlin (Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP)

Sandra Lúcia Ferreira (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Roberto Gimenez (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Edda Curi (Cruzeiro do Sul University, USCS)

Luiz Francisco Rocha e Silva (Bahia Adventist College, FADBA)

Paulo Gomes Lima (Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCAR-Sorocaba)

Heber Ceribelli (Department of Education of the Central Paulista Association, APAC, )

External Members (Foreign Institutions)

Marcela Jarpa Parra (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Loreto Silva Salas (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

SCIENTIFIC COMMISSION (under construction)

Adelina de Oliveira Novaes (University City of São Paulo UNICID)

Adriana Barroso de Azevedo (Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP)

Adriane Portela de Prado Correa (Bahia Adventist College, FADBA)

Alexander dos Santos Dutra (Brazilian Publishing House, Aveiro University)

Alixon reyes (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil (University of Taubaté UNITAU)

Ana Sílvia Moço Aparício (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, USCS)

Angela Maria Martins (University City of São Paulo UNICID)

Bethany Stange Lopes (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Carlos Alexandre Felício Brito (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, c)

Carlos Villalobos placeholder image (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Celia Maria Haas (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Cristovam da Silva Alves (University of Taubaté UNITAU)

Daniela Santana Reis (Bahia Adventist College, FADBA)

Dayse Cristine Dantas Brito Neri de Souza (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP, Center for Didactic Research and Technology in the Training of Trainers, CIDTFF)

Ecleide Cunico Furlanetto (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Edda Curi (Cruzeiro do Sul University, USCS)

Elisabete Ferreira Esteves Campos (Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP)

Elizabete Cristina Costa Renders (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Elize Keller Franco (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Ellen Milli Rodrigues (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Eric Ferdinado Kanai Passone (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Francislê Neri de Souza (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP, Center for Didactic Research and Technology in the Training of Trainers, CIDTFF)

Germana Ponce de Leon Ramirez (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Gildene de Ouro Lopes Silva (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Giza Guimaraes Pereira Sales (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Hector Salazar (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Helena Brandão Viana (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Ivana Gisel Casali (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Ivo Ribeiro de Sá (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

John Carreño (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Lanny Soares (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Lucia Villas Boas (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Luciana Magalhães (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Luciane Weber Baia Hees (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Lucienne Dorneles (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Luiz Francisco Rocha e Silva (Bahia Adventist College, FADBA)

Marcela Jarpa Parra (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Marcelo Furlin (Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP)

Marcos Parada (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Margarete May Berkenbrock Rosito (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Maria Alarcon (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Maria da Conceição Ferrer Botelho Sgadari Passeggi (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Maria of Fatima Ramos de Andrade (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Maria do Carmo Meireles Toledo Cruz (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Mariana de Souza Aranha (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Marta Regina Paulo da Silva (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Milton Luis Torres (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Nonato Assis de Miranda (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Patricia C. Almeida (Adventist University Center of São Paulo, UNASP)

Paulo Sérgio Garcia (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Paulo Gomes Lima (Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCAR-Sorocaba)

Ramón Gelabert (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Roberto Gimenez (University City of São Paulo UNICID)

Rodnei Pereira (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Rodrigo Sobarzo (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Roseli Albino dos Santos (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Sandra Lucia Ferreira (City of Sao Paulo University, UNICID)

Sanny Silva da Rosa (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, UMSCS)

Sergio Marcus Nogueira Tavares (Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP)

Suelene Regina Donola Mendonça (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Violeth Vasquez (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)

Virginia Mara Prospero da Cunha (University of Taubaté, UNITAU)

Yessica Rivas (Adventist University of Chile, UNACH)



Professional Masters in Education


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