Languages ​​of art and educational practice: research report

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The Art Educator, Visual Artist and Master's Student of the Graduate Program of the Professional Master's in Education at the University of Taubaté (Unitau) Michael Silva presented on the day 7 May a conversation wheel entitled “Languages ​​of art and educational practice: research report ”with mediation by the Assistant Coordinating Professor of the Professional Master's in Education at the University of Taubaté (Unitau) Dr. Juliana Marcondes Bussolotti.

The conversation circle conducted by the zoom platform addressed the paths of Art training based on the partial results of Michael Silva's research. The target audience was the students of the Visual Arts and Music courses at Unitau EAD and the master's students of the Professional Master's in Education – Unitau.

Too much presence
Coordinating Professor Professional Master in Education at the University of Taubaté (Unitau) Dr. Ana Maria Correa Gimenes Calil
Professor of the Graduate Program in Professional Master's in Education at the University of Taubaté (Unitau) Dr. Cristovam da Silva Alves
Visual Arts course coordinator – Eliana Salgado – EAD Unitau
Music course coordinator – Andrea Consolino – EAD Unitau


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