Debate Cycle Structural Racism and the Role of the University

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15 e 24/09 e 02/10



Debate Cycle Structural Racism and the Role of the University

Professional Masters in Education

15/09 Tuesday


Structural racism and the role of the University

prof. Ma. Waleska Batista

PhD student in Political and Economic Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Master in Sustainability and Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Member of the State and Law Research Group in Brazilian social thought, linked to PPGDPE / UPM.

In all debates, will be the teachers of UNITAU:

prof. Ma. Luciana Magalhães

University of Taubaté PhD student in Educational Psychology - PUC-SP. Master in Education - UNITAU. Specialist in Inclusive Education and Educational Management. Graduated in Law and Pedagogy. Collaborator in the Professional Master's Program in Education at the University of Taubaté; university professor at undergraduate and graduate level; trainer and speaker in the area of ​​special-enclusive education and rights of the person with decision.

prof. Dr. Roseli Albino dos Santos

University of Taubaté Special Education Specialist. Master and Doctor in Education- PUCSP. Professor of the Prison Master Program in Education at the University of Taubaté. Teacher / psychopedagogue of AEE of the Municipal Public Network of Campos do Jordão- SP

24/09 Thursday


Anti-racist educational practices

prof. Dr. Sônia Guimarães - invited

Professor at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA, of the Department of the General Command of Aerospace Technology - DCTA. PhD in Condensed Matter Physics, pela The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, England, master's degree in Applied Physics from the University of São Paulo - São Carlos campus, Full Degree in Physics from the Federal University of São Carlos.

Prof. Me. Álvaro Xavier Duque - guest

Master by UNESP in History, specialist in Instructional Design by Senac-SP Experience in Basic and Higher Education - Public and Private Network. currently, Professor of the Municipal Network of São José dos Campos

In all debates, will be the teachers of UNITAU:

prof. Ma. Luciana Magalhães

University of Taubaté PhD student in Educational Psychology - PUC-SP. Master in Education - UNITAU. Specialist in Inclusive Education and Educational Management. Graduated in Law and Pedagogy. Collaborator in the Professional Master's Program in Education at the University of Taubaté; university professor at undergraduate and graduate level; trainer and speaker in the area of ​​special-enclusive education and rights of the person with decision.

prof. Dr. Roseli Albino dos Santos

University of Taubaté Special Education Specialist. Master and Doctor in Education- PUCSP. Professor of the Prison Master Program in Education at the University of Taubaté. Teacher / psychopedagogue of AEE of the Municipal Public Network of Campos do Jordão- SP

02/10 Friday


Social media: reproduction of mass racism x coping device

Daniela Oliveira da Fonseca - invited

OAB Campinas

Me. Júlio César Silva Santos - guest

Director of the Luiz Gama Institute

In all debates, will be the teachers of UNITAU:

prof. Ma. Luciana Magalhães

University of Taubaté PhD student in Educational Psychology - PUC-SP. Master in Education - UNITAU. Specialist in Inclusive Education and Educational Management. Graduated in Law and Pedagogy. Collaborator in the Professional Master's Program in Education at the University of Taubaté; university professor at undergraduate and graduate level; trainer and speaker in the area of ​​special-enclusive education and rights of the person with decision.

prof. Dr. Roseli Albino dos Santos

University of Taubaté Special Education Specialist. Master and Doctor in Education- PUCSP. Professor of the Prison Master Program in Education at the University of Taubaté. Teacher / psychopedagogue of AEE of the Municipal Public Network of Campos do Jordão- SP


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