Students in the Professional Master's in Education presented their work at the 5th International Congress of Coimbra

This year the Congress was held virtually and the University of Taubaté was well represented by students Carmen Lúcia Caetano de Souza, with the research “Other possible social choreographies”, Lara Miguel Batista with research: “art and literature: the Plano de Menina project and its orientation towards female autonomy and Juliana Aparecida de Oliveira Pereira Ferreira with the research“Ethnic-racial relations and the graduate of the Professional Master in Education: the claim of the right to education as an act of social transformation. to Carmen, it was possible to feel how Education and Art permeate all fields of knowledge. “It was wonderful to have my research recognized as valuable in this environment.” to Lara, participating in the Congress was a very rich experience. even online, it was possible to meet people from other countries and from Brazil as well, who are researching human rights and education, as an inseparable and fundamental relationship to think about a new model of society. “I was very grateful for the opportunity”. To Juliana, it was an amazing and very meaningful experience. “I was able to learn about several researches in different areas and expand my horizons as a researcher.”


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