16 a 19/10 – V Educational Policy and Management Seminar

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Political transformations, social, technological and environmental issues of contemporary society require new and urgent responses from public managers, of researchers and education professionals on emerging themes.

In the context of discussions and disputes surrounding the next National Education Plan (PNE), o V PPGE/USCS Educational Policy and Management Seminar, that will take place on the days 16 a 19 de outubro de 2024,will have as its theme the “Education Challenges for the Next Decade: reduce inequalities, value diversity and combat the environmental emergency”.
We hope that the proposed program inspires and encourages new reflections on the dilemmas and challenges of a educational praxis committed to combating all forms of injustice and social violence that undermine human dignity, democracy and the survival of the planet.

Submissão de trabalhos até o dia 05/10

See the schedule and other event details at: vseminarioppgeuscs.com


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