In the days 23 a 25 of May, teachers Ana Maria Gimenes Corrêa Calil and Maria Teresa de Moura Ribeiro, participated in the 6th Sipemat – International Symposium on Research in Mathematics Education, in the city of Campina Grande – PB.
The opening lecture was given by Prof. Dr João Pedro da Ponte, which dealt with the professional development of teachers and curriculum change, announcing different models of teacher training from different countries and, also, an experience focused on the practice of basic school teacher training that took place in public schools.
In day 23/05, at 2pm was our oral communication, entitled Investigating one's own practice: an experience in the professional master's degree. Professors Dr João Pedro da Ponte and Dr. Dario Fiorentini, who research and carry out training actions for teachers who teach Mathematics.
In the days 24 e 25/05 round tables and oral communications were held, among them the table entitled Different relationships between the curriculum and the training of teachers who teach Mathematics, that addressed different perspectives, including Lesson Study, much defended throughout the seminar, because it is a training process in which teachers learn in practice and have the opportunity to reflect, to analyze, discuss and plan your lessons, focusing on mathematical content.
The lectures and oral communications were very significant, served as inspiration for our ideas and pedagogical behaviors. It also served us, to understand how our Professional Master's in Education program is engaged and meeting the current demands of teacher training, about everything, in teaching Mathematics!
Campina Grande, 25 from May of 2024.