26/11 – Teacher training: times and dialogues between teachers against educational inequalities

Master student Edilaine Aquino will present the theme: Teacher training: times and dialogues between teachers against educational inequalities on the day 26/11/2020 at the Thematic Seminar ” education at Covid-19: TIC, teacher training and work – Inequalities in times of pandemic”, proposed by the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UDMT) in partnership with Covi-19 Education Observatory.

The event seeks to discuss education during the Covid-19 pandemic, with emphasis on adapting to an education with the intense use of ICT ,the intensification of teaching work , the challenges of continuing teacher education, learning and inequalities during the pandemic.

It is an event open to all interested, have free registration and certificate of participation.

For more information and registration visit: https://bit.ly/edu_covid19

Master student Edilaine Aquino


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