The Professional Postgraduate Programs in Education and Human Development held a new “Journey for Equity and Inclusion of Difference” event. The journeys began in May 2023, at an event in which the IdentidadeS Project was presented, requested by Public Prosecutor José Carlos de Oliveira Sampaio and prepared by Profa. Mirian Garrido, of the Master's Program in Human Development.
The theme of this edition was studies and teaching materials on African history and anti-racist education.
The event was opened by the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies, prof. Dr. Monica Franchi Carniello. Right away, the Student Dean, prof. Dr. Alexandra Magna Rodrigues, which presented the Special Commission on ethnic-racial relations, which was finalized and delivered a report proposing the creation of a permanent committee at UNITAU.
prof. Dr. Mírian Cristina de Moura Garrido presented the results of the IdentidadeS Project, which has already been carried out for a year with the students of the undergraduate course in History at UNITAU. Isabella Cristine César dos Santos, who researched the African kingdom of Dahomey in his Scientific Initiation in 2023 with funding from CPNq and developed a didactic game based on this research, was awarded first place in the PIBIC Scientific Initiation category at the International Science Congress, Technology and Development, promoted by UNITAU in 2023. Anna Romancene Dias da Silva, Scientific Initiation, with scholarship from UNITAU, studied propositions for anti-racist education: Afro-Brazilian history and developed a didactic game focusing on black feminism. Larissa de Oliveira Casemiro da Rocha, master's student at MDH, Capes scholarship holder, develops a survey of research on enslaved people in the Paraíba valley, focusing on the experiences of intellectuals.
The event program continued with a lecture by Profa. Dr. Fábia Barbosa Ribeiro, UNIFESP, who presented for the first time his doctoral research on slavery in Taubaté in the city. The theme of the research was the Brotherhoods of black men.
The Journey event held on the day 9 april 2024 not hybrid format, in person at the UNITAU Auditorium and broadcast simultaneously on TV UNITAU.
Presentation of research results – IdentityS Project: