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This act provides for measures to prevent contagion and to face and contingency, within the scope of the University of Taubaté, of the respiratory viral infectious disease pandemic caused by the agent Coronavirus (COVID-19) and takes other measures.

Professor Nara Lucia Perondi Fortes, Dean of the UNIVERSITY OF TAUBATE, in the use of its legal and regimental attributions, In view of the provisions of Federal Law No. 13.979, from 6 of February 2020,

CONSIDERING Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 188, from 3 of February 2020, that “Declares a Public Health Emergency of National Importance (ESPIN) as a result of human infection by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV)”, and the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health No. 356, from 11 March 2020, that "Provides for the regulation and operationalization of the provisions of Law No. 13.979, from 7 February 2020”;

CONSIDERING State Decree No. 64.862, from 13 March 2020 and State Decree No. 64.864, from 16 March 2020, which provide for the adoption of temporary emergency measures to prevent contagion by COVID-19;

CONSIDERING Municipal Decree No. 14.689, from 16 March 2020, declaring a state of emergency in the Municipality of Taubaté;

CONSIDERING the provisions of article 207 of the Federal Constitution that guarantees didactic-scientific autonomy to universities, administrative and financial and asset management and, still, a Lei nº 9.394, from 20 december 1996, that “Establishes the guidelines and bases of national education”, highlighting the forecasts contained in the articles 53 e 54;

CONSIDERING MEC Ordinance No. 2.117, from 6 december 2019, that "Provides for the offer of hours in the form of Distance Learning - EaD in on-site undergraduate courses offered by Higher Education Institutions - IES belonging to the Federal Education System";

CONSIDERING the need to contain the spread of infection and local transmission and preserve the health of students, interns, teachers, servers, outsourced employees and the general public;

CONSIDERING the measures proposed by the Covid-19 Commission – Unitau, instituted by Ordinance R-Nº 071/2020, for the prevention and containment of Covid-19, according to Process No. R-009/2020;

CONSIDERING the need to maintain the functioning and administrative activities in order to ensure the smooth running of the services,


Art. 1º This Executive Act provides for temporary measures, and on an exceptional basis, prevention of contagion and coping and contingency, within the scope of the University of Taubaté, of the respiratory viral infectious disease pandemic caused by the agent Coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the public health emergency declared by Decree NE No. 113, from 12 March 2020.

Art. 2º Academic face-to-face activities of undergraduate courses are suspended for thirty days., Postgraduate and Extension, except for internship activities of the Medicine course and medical residency.

§1ºThis suspension applies, also, to the educational activities of the Dr.. Alfredo Jose Balbi.

§2ºClasses and other face-to-face activities 16 a 21 March 2020 will be replaced in person upon the return of face-to-face classes.

§3º Theoretical classes, from 23 March 2020, will be carried out with the exclusive use of non-face-to-face digital communication resources, lasting for the period necessary to prevent contagion.

§4ºThe replacement of the subjects with practical classes and the practical subjects will be done in their entirety in the face-to-face form upon the return of face-to-face classes.

§5ºDuring the suspension period, teachers will continue to be available to the Teaching Units, for the purpose of meeting the transition measures for face-to-face classes that will be adopted for the distance education regime, as well as compliance with teaching plans and maintenance of the quality of teaching and learning of students.

§6º The period of suspension of academic activities does not apply to Undergraduate courses, Postgraduate and Extension, in distance mode, except for face-to-face meetings.

Art. 3ºDuring the period in which this Executive Act lasts, the libraries, the laboratories, the University's clinics and offices will operate on a rotating basis according to the needs of each Teaching Unit and will, exclusively, the University's internal activities, face-to-face attendance to students and the general public and scheduling appointments are prohibited..

Art. 4ºAll face-to-face academic events scheduled in the school calendar for the first semester of 2020 from the University, such as: congresses, seminars, encounters, fairs, games, academic-pedagogical trips, graduation ceremonies, etc.

Art. 5ºThe secretariats of the Teaching Units will provide, preferably, electronic to students.

Art. 6ºFrom day 23 March 2020, administrative units will work on reduced hours, necessary for face-to-face service, without prejudice to the adequate provision of the service.

§1ºThe technical-administrative servers will fulfill reduced working hours, from 10 am to 4 pm, with 15 intraday break minutes.

§2º The reduced working hours will not apply to those occupying the positions of watchman and porter.

§3º Rádio Unitau may maintain different opening hours, according to your schedule.

Art. 7ºThere may be a layoff from work, upon prior request, educated with skillful documents, and express authorization from the Human Resources Department, to servers that meet the following conditions:

I- chronic respiratory diseases or that reduce immunity;

II- undergoing cancer treatment, performed in the last six months, or undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy;

III - chronic heart disease;

IV – diabetes insulinodependente;

V - chronic kidney failure;


VII - autoimmune diseases;

VIII - hepatical cirrhosis;

IX – hypertension

X - pregnant and lactating women;

XI - with children under 1 (a) year;

XII - with 60 (sixty) years or more.

§1ºEmployees who are in any of the conditions provided for in items I to X must present the respective medical certificate or report to be submitted for evaluation by SESMO.

§ 2º The period of dismissal of the server will be set on an exceptional basis, may be renewed or revoked at any time at the discretion of the University.

§ 3º Compliance with the caput does not affect or supply the granting for reasons of health and compulsory leave, pursuant to applicable law.

Art. 8ºThe Contract Management Sector must notify the contracted companies of their responsibility to adopt the necessary means to make their employees aware of the risks of COVID-19 and the need to report the occurrence of fever symptoms or respiratory symptoms, under penalty of contractual liability in case of omission that results in damage to the administration of the University.

Art. 9º As prophylactic measures, determine to the directors of the various units of the University to observe the following guidelines:

I – adopt prophylactic measures, asepsis, health and information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19);

II - avoid crowding, especially in environments where it is not possible to guarantee natural ventilation;

III – recommend holding virtual meetings or, not being possible, that these are carried out exclusively with the participation of people essential to decision-making, to the instruction and completion of the file.

Art. 10 The Dean of Administration is authorized to adopt other necessary measures to prevent the internal spread of COVID-19, in particular, the intensification of the cleaning flows of the environments.

Art. 11 All University units must adopt, preferably, the electronic means of communication.

Art. 12 The provisions of this Executive Act do not exempt other measures that may be necessary to combat COVID-19 that may be proposed or determined by other public entities..

Art. 13 This Executive Act enters into force on the date of its publication., retroacting its effects to 16 March 2020.

Rector and Commission Covid-19 UNITAU


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